The Project
This project was developed with Thunkable and contains two programming courses with six pdf lessons and an evaluation test at the end of each programming course. The courses are for the C++ and Python programming languages. We also have a chat where we can communicate on the network with other users of the application.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to do this project to attract young people and not only to enter and discover the fascinating world of programming and of course for users who want to improve their knowledge or learn about the C+ and Python programming languages.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe encountered some difficulties at first in carrying out evaluation tests and chat, but we got informed from several sources and managed to successfully carry out the HowToCode application!
Next time, we would...If we had more time, we would have improved the chat, added a new module about the Pascal programming language and added a few more things to the account section.
About the team
Team members
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