Plant AI
The Project
Plant AI is software that uses machine learning to accurately evaluate the soil's moisture. A pre-trained model was integrated into the machine learning database to achieve the function with precision. The pre-trained model has pre-downloaded data that enables the Ai to differentiate between wet or dry soil. Once a user sends a picture through the user interface, what the user would see after confirming sending the photo through the user interface is a pop-up loading screen where it displays “Please Wait While We Are Analyzing Your Soil”. The interface will transmit the photo to the server (Insert name). The sever will transfers the text of code to the machine learning; after analyzing the photo, the machine learning will then send back the result of the analyzed picture as text to the server, where it will send the text to the user interface where the text is the result of the soil moisture. From the user opening the user interface that connects with sever, the user would follow simple and clear instructions by the app and take a picture of his or her indoor vegetation pot and get an accurate result.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Plants are often flooded with absurd amounts of water or sometimes with insufficient amounts of hydration to sustain good health. Unlike outdoor vegetation, which is monitored and cared for by gardeners , indoor vegetation do not have that luxury I made Plant AI to solve this issue.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outIt was hard to connect two differnet languages together with out any issues, after typing the code out for my machine Ai in Python I had to create another page for an sever that would connect my Ai to the user interface I had built in Flutter.
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would creat an better splash screen for my app and also add more features into the app unlike now where it only has one feature of telling the user if it is dry or wet soil for watering purposes.
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