MATRIC the future city
The Project
We are Matteo and Riccardo from Italy, 13 and 10 years old. This is our Minecraft project "MATRIC the future city" and here you can find the extended presentation of the project with the explanation of the game coding with Python: We make it for people who will design and build the next cities of the future and it aims to teach children and teenagers what is the Goal 11 of the UN 2030 Agenda, the SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Goal. Together with our family we have found 100 sustainable solutions for cities because now cities host 70% of the global population. The solutions we have brought are solutions already present in other cities; we have united them in one city. You will be able to see the complete list of all the solutions and their description on the link above. Initially we found Minecraft mods to build the city with 25 districts; we looked for the 100 solutions and put them into the game thanks to 100 billboards; after we code a Python minigame that helps you find the billboards; finally we created a pdf presentation with all the 100 solutions with the help of our dad. Hello everyone from Mat & Ric and... let's all take care the environment.
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