Collect the Plastic.....
The Project
This project is in the form of a game made on make a code arcade . It has been made on the basis of plastic deduction and animal welfare
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...As we think that it's an important topic on which the world should work and as kids know that at times long speeches and presentations even on topics we know are important get boring with time and think there is no better way than making these inspirations and topics interactive and the young genera
What we found difficult and how we worked it outJust like there is a story behind every beautiful thing there is a story filled with ups and downs behind this project. The first battle was definitely to restrict our thoughts into things we could actually code as well like first the entire game was different but while in the making we realised th
Next time, we would...Yes, We absolutely agree that our project is not perfect and has scope for improvement If given more time we could have added levels or musical beats ,more characters more plastic sources everywhere even add time in which the challenge has to be completed At the end it was a great opportunity give
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