AI Driven Fencing Referee
The Project
My project is an AI driven fencing referee that is able to determine which fencer has the priority from a video of foil or sabre fencing.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I made this project because there exists inconsistencies in human referee decisions because one referee and another or even in the same bout. My project sought to eliminate that with a completely transparent and objective decision making process.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outOne difficulty I faced was the selection of a model to use for my human recognition. I initially used YoloV5 with Media piple but it was slow and inaccurate so I switched to the newer YoloV7 for better performance.
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would add the function of blade detection for increased accuracy in actions where blade actions exists and is determining the prority.
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