Smart Blind stick
The Project
This is Smart Blind Stick. This project is to provide a 3rd EYE for the Blind people and to navigate their directions in a correct way to reach their destinations. We have used Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino UNO to develop this project.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...Comparatively, in our world there are 2.3 billion people who are suffering from blindness and visual impairment. Blind people have to face many challenges in their life, one of them is finding their way on the streets. So keeping this problem in the mind we developed a Smart blind stick.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe took the help of our trainers to workout this project. Sometimes, while we are developing the project some issues raised like Ultrasonic sensor damaged, so we replaced it new sensor. We also faced loose connections problems.
Next time, we would...Yes, we would make this stick water proof by keeping water sensor. We would also place vibration sensor if the blind is deaf too.
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