Child Marriage
The Project
Child marriage is a significant social issue in India, where children, especially girls, are married off before they reach the legal age of 18 years. According to UNICEF, India has the highest number of child brides in the world, with 27% of girls marrying before the age of 18. This practice is prevalent across all religions, castes, and communities, and is often driven by poverty, gender inequality, and cultural traditions.Child marriage has severe consequences for the physical and emotional well-being of children, particularly girls. Child brides are often forced to drop out of school, limiting their opportunities for education and employment. Early marriage also puts girls at risk of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and maternal mortality, as their bodies are not yet developed enough to handle pregnancy and childbirth.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Having a conversation with a little mix of quiz on scratch we will spread awareness that child marriage is wrong and has bad consequences.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outUsing broadcast to make the story program run efficiently!
Next time, I would...No. this is a great story awareness to stop child marriage.
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