Exam Cheat Detector
The Project
This is a project that detects whether the student is cheating during the exam or not. I achieve this by using python programming language, and I approach this problem through real-time mouse position tracking and a voice recognition system. When my project is running it will first ask for the teacher's email and after entering the teacher's email the program will start tracking student's mouse movement on their screen once the exam starts, and if the mouse it's out of the testing area in a suspicious pattern it will detect cheating. Another way for my program to recognize cheating is through voice recognition. During the exam, once the program starts running it will activate the voice recognition system and if the student starts talking during the exam the program will recognize it as cheating. Once the program detects cheating it will send an email to the teacher with all the mouse movement coordinates which indicates the student is cheating.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I choose this project because a lot of my classmates are cheating during the online class we took during the pandemic, and I think this is not fair for students who actually put time and effort into studying so I designed this program to ensure everyone in the class have a fair shot on the exam.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most challenging part of the whole project is studying the new programming language Python. I struggled with the Python studying process,but I didn't give up and with the help of my teacher at coding minds academy, I mastered it! I was able to start my project planning, achieving my goal closer.
Next time, I would...If I have more time, I would add a face recognition system to my project. I will build a database with machine learning and link it to the camera. With this system database, it allows the system to recognize student's actions during the exam and report every possible cheating moment to the teacher.
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