The Project
I started with a scenario about the waste that reaches the bottom of the oceans that we continued with a game, in which a diver must collect the waste, accumulate lives and points and avoid the ghost. The diver have to collect as much waste and finish his mission. The diver is coordinated by arrows.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I created this project because the pollution of the oceans with waste is a big problem and I want to sound the alarm to take action with the waste not to reach the water. Environmental games are my passion for protecting water from pollution and I hope it will be useful to continue to the next level
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found it difficult to create this game on levels and with multiple characters, adding complex commands on the distances and movement of the ghost attacker. I tried character cloning but it didn't work out for the variable number of lives. I will try another options.
Next time, I would...I will try another option where I will change the direction of movement of the diver and I will add a next level where if he has collected all the waste he will continue to recycle more objects and fight with 2 ghosts in a limit time.
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