The Project
AI_Birder is a downloadable app that identifies birds using Artificial Intelligence. The app does not require WIFI to identify the birds, allowing the user to use the app wherever they go. To use the app, all the user has to do is upload or take a picture of a bird. The app will then find the bird that most closely resembles the picture. Using AI_Birder, birders can easily and efficiently identify birds wherever they are.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Many people enjoy birdwatching. However, for many beginner birders, identifying the birds is a hard task. There are many apps that help the birder to identify the birds, but they are often too complicated and require good internet to give a result. To help birders in the world, I made this project.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outAlthough making an AI engine was hard, a difficult part of the project was finding thousands of accurate pictures for my AI engine to train with. To solve the problem, I used a python bulk image downloader, which automatically downloads hundreds of images from the web, facilitating my progress.
Next time, I would...Identifying by voice can be attempted to be implemented in the AI engine. Many times the birds might be covered by tree branches or hiding in a bush, obscuring the birds from the birders’ vision. Therefore, having identification by calls is a useful and interesting addition to the app.
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