Green Steps
The Project
My project is about creating a social network for people who want to save our environment, the name of my project is Green-Steps. The biggest change that the world needs is to save trees, reduce pollution, basically reducing our carbon footprints and rather take green-steps. I have created a mobile app to connect like-minded people who want to do something about environment. The app is made by using Ionic framework and angular to make it work seamlessly on Android and iOS, so it can reach maximum people.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I wanted to encourage people to help save the environment. As the earth is in grave danger of losing its atmosphere and greenness if we continue to live as we do currently. With this application I want to raise awareness to save our mother earth.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI had no experience in mobile app development, and then to create a social media app which require rich content was very difficult to make. I had some prior experience in html and CSS which I used in creating the app with components provided by Ionic.
Next time, I would...I could have used some form of AI/ML to give credit points automatically.
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