The Project
HIDEN is an app that allows you to share your commitment to recipes and ingredients at home! COVID-19 pandemic has increased the amount of time everyone spends at home, which in turn increases the number of meals they make. This has increased the burden of housework on women. The problem of other families not knowing how to do household chores became apparent. This HIDEN will allow everyone in the household to know how to do household chores, so everyone in the family can share making meals. This app will help realizing the gender equality.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...My mother seemed to have a hard time cooking meals, so I decided to take her place. However, I could not do it because I did not know how to do it or where to find the ingredients. I wanted to solve these problems, so I developed HIDEN.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outIt was my first time using AppInventor. It was difficult to create a mechanism to store data in CloudDB. I looked up information in the App Inventor community in English and debugged it using the information I found there.
Next time, we would...In the future, I would like to add a function that allows families to react to recipes.
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