Season Platformer
The Project
This is a game with four seasons spring, winter, summer, and autumn. You will need to control the 'Player' with up, down, left, and right arrows. As we face many obstacles in our life and need to overcome them, to make our life entertaining this is a game in which we need to pass all the obstacles. Everyone loves to play games and entertain themselves during high and low points of life. This game shows the change in obstacles in every season of the year same as in life. This is not just a game but somehow or somewhat we can relate it to our lives.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...Everyone faces many obstacles in life and just to make them realize that they are not permanent at any cost. This game not only entertains people but is a linkage between the reality of life. This pandemic has shown us many instances when people are struggling and this inspired us.
What we found difficult and how we worked it out~ The main difficulty we faced was making correct codes for the game. To overcome that we had good teamwork and understand the basic thing we are missing. ~ Another difficulty was how can we make it more interesting, challenging, and attractive. The simple solution for this was getting opinions.
Next time, we would...~ More challenges ~ Play with different characters and platforms ~ More functions i.e. collecting happiness (kind of coins) ~ Working more on public opinions
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