End the Ducks
The Project
End the Ducks is a shooting duck shooting game filled with obstacles. Each player will be given three lives/hearts. You will loose one heart when you shoot a bomb or when you fail to shoot a duck. Once you loose all three of your lives the game ends. But don't worry you will be able to increase your live every time your scoreboard hits 200 points!
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to make this project because we wanted to create something fun and exciting. We figured that if we developed a game, we will be able to unleash our creativity and artistic talents to full extent. Plus this game also consists of an API server we made using Django.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outThe difficult part was trying to make the bomb and the duck to appear at the same time. We solved this problem by reading through documentations and asking people who work in this field.
Next time, we would...We would probably add more characters into the game and also give the players a chance to choose any superpower they want to help them win the game.
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