The Project
Choices is an interactive game that teaches kids how to make the right choices, from when to play with friends to communicating with your parents. For example, if the child wants fast food but also can eat something heathy, our project Choices teaches them to eat healthy and the consequences if they do not. They learn what might happen to them, and the lesson learned. . We decided to make this projects to teach kids what to do when they are in these situations. For example, if the child wants fast food but also can eat something heathy, our project Choices tells them to eat the healthy food. They learn what might happen to them, and the lesson learned. 2. Definitely the hardest part about making our projects was combining the code. Scratch does not let two people on one account at once, so we decided to code two questions on a separate account and two questions on our shared account. We then backpacked the code from the separate account into our shared account, but there were many problems when that happened. A lot of the broadcasts and events blocks were mixed up because we were doing it in separate projects, and trying to make it work together was very hard and time consuming. We observed what problems happened when we tried to run the project together, and to every problem we created more broadcasts to make it continue on. 3. If we had more time, we would have liked to add the final score to the conclusion slide, as well as adding more questions to our project. We originally brainstormed and came up this 7 problems, and so we would add the remaining 3 problems.
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