Voice Control Wheelchair
The Project
This Project is made for the person who is unable to walk and even can not move hands so, this type of person always requires somebody's help for moving from one place to another and, it is not possible always. For solving this problem, we have to develop a wheelchair system that doesn't require any physical movement of the operator. Now we have here developed a system which uses the google voice system of our mobile phone and work according to the given voice command. If we say move forward it will start moving forward and similarly for other directions. 1.Tell us about your project. Why did you choose to make this project? This Project is made for the person who is unable to walk and even can not move hands so, this type of person always requires somebody's help for moving from one place to another and, it is not possible always. For solving this problem, we have to develop a wheelchair system that doesn't require any physical movement of the operator. Now we have here developed a system which uses the google voice system of our mobile phone and work according to the given voice command. If we say move forward it will start moving forward and similarly for other directions. We chose this project because we saw many physically challenged people are facing problem in operating their wheelchair. 2. What did you find difficult while making your project and how did you work it out? While making this we have faced the biggest challenge in the voice recognition system. At the time we were thinking about this project we were unable to make a voice system so we met our stem trainer who suggested we should use the Blutooth app which has a built-in voice recognition system. 3.Is there anything you would do differently or you would add if you had more time? if I had more time then I would learn raspberry pi and try to make this system brain-controlled.
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