Under water Shark (Life below water sdg14)

The Project

Underwater shark project based on sustainable development goal no.14 which talks about LIFE BELOW WATER.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose to make this project because I found this project unique and life below water was a unique concept to make a project of scratch and I found it to be very interesting and in this game, I am showing that there are many garbage dirty water bodies in the Ocean which can which can be eaten by aqu

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

"When I made this project I found difficulty in coding because this had a different and difficult code but I love the game I made it attractive and also I found difficulty and finding the sdg and topic I should make the project on. "

Next time, I would...

If I had more time I could make it more attractive interesting and long game. I would have worked more on my coding skills and learned more about scratch to make this game more efficient, playable and interesting.

About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Vidisha