Quiz for smort people

The Project

Quiz for smort people is a quiz aimed for people who likes to challenge their knowledge of the world into this carefully crafted quiz. This quiz ensures that each questions offers a new knowledge, encouraging critical thinking and exploration


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose this project because I love science and knows a lot of science. I want to share it with others and saw an opportunity to create something that can educate people with fun

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I found some difficulties in coding specific part of the project, especially about changing layers for the next question.

Next time, I would...

If I have more time to made the project more interesting, I would like to add more questions and adding more details to the quiz, to make it more fun and add more excitement so people would love it more.

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • Rakha Al Zafran