The Project
Vocodex is a mobile app that lets users find new songs based on their emotion or mood. It uses natural language processing to classify mood from text and matches that data with songs in a database.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...As music can be a relief a person's mood, Vocodex is created because I want to help my friends, who have a huge burden of learning during their high school years, stay emotionally healthy.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outIt took me a lot of time looking for a place to store the data, as a lot of databases are not free. Finally, I stored the data in firebase, where I don't need to pay extra money for maintaining the database.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would create the app on iOS instead of Android. At first, I chose Android because I did not have a Mac computer which is required for coding for apps on Apple devices, but then I found that Android is not commonly used among my classmates and friends.
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