Pocket Doc.
The Project
The “Pocket Doc” is your very own pocket general physician that uses Artificial Intelligence Image Classifier to track nutritional deficiencies by scanning your body for key indicators. The AI model analyses vital signs on nails, tongue, skin, and the eyes. Also has an AI chatbot, from which you can ask any health-related queries/symptoms and will respond clearly and concisely stating possible causes and recommending a diet. The app is Created with intentions to help the government to decrease its healthcare expenditure.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests nearly 3bn people globally, majorly children, suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Prolonged nutritional deficiencies lead to lifestyle ailments such as obesity, diabetes etc. that create an unwarranted economic burden on public healthcare sector.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outCollecting Data to train the machine learning model for image classification model, I had to collect around 60+ images of different deficiencies to train and make the model more effective. I also had to create various text samples for my AI chatbot....
Next time, I would...1. I would have liked to get this app recognized by the government of Ireland (Department of Health), and to be promoted by the governments for this to be used on regular basis by common people, thus preventing life-style ailments through early reaction to nutritional deficiency...
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