The Temple of Time

The Project

There are 9 elements of nature (Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Sound, Light, Dark, Electricity, and Time) and 9 corresponding temples with Time being the most important One day, due to unknown forces, the Temple of Time was disrupted causing confusion around the world and spreading these crystals that control the temples across the world, its the player's job to collect them and restore balance to the world


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

We wanted to team up and make this awesome game that bring smiles and is super fun for everyone, no matter how old they are. It was like a big adventure, and we couldn't wait to share it with you

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

Working together was quite difficult since we are in different schools, but we ended up setting physical meetings on Saturdays and voice calls during the week which helped a lot

Next time, we would...

We would make the transitions smoother, make the drawing quality better, make more levels, fix the flying bug

About the team

  • Uganda

Team members

  • Priscilla
  • Regina
  • Nathaniel
  • Patricia
  • Peter