a cool sonic boss fight

The Project

READ !! : double-click the flag, because scratch usually lags when first starting a project, making some scripts unsynced and even breaking them a thing i made for a competition, and also sort of a request by someone (extra description if that wasn't what you meant - a small and short boss fight, where you just have to dodge.)


READ !! : double-click the flag, because scratch usually lags when first starting a project, making some scripts unsynced and even breaking them a thing i made for a competition, and also sort of a request by someone


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

someone had requested me to make a small sonic boss fight, so that's what i did

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

for some reason, the clones sort of started to clone themselves, and the collision for the character shooting the bullets was pretty weird, so i just removed the hearts later on in the game

Next time, I would...

i would add more attacks, fix the bugs i said beforehand, and polish everything

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • Raimi