Algebra calculator

The Project

My project is an app that can calculate algebraic sums, for example, 2x+3x. It is still in its early stages, but I hope that it will improve in the future


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I thought that it would be an interesting challenge to see if I could make a computer understand one of the most complex areas of maths, which is a subject I am very interested in.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I faced many challenges in the project. One of the biggest was that the code would keep on adding various "+0" elements to the sum, making it harder to read and occasionally causing problems. I ended up implenting numerous error checkers to delete these elements, or stop them from appearing at all.

Next time, I would...

I see a lot of potential in the project. There are many areas, such as exponentiation, divison, and brackets, in which the calculator struggles, so I will have to debug those. Beyond that, I hope to eventually add support for complex numbers and even calculus to the app

About the team

  • Ireland
  • CoderDojo

Team members

  • Benedict