The Project

This project is a hardware system based on home security ysing ultrasonic sensor to detect the physical presence of intruders. Ultrasonic's are non contact devices that use sound waves to measure an object distance & velocity . Here we used buzzer & LED to give alert information to owner of the place & we have used Arduino UNO here. Whenever the intruder comes near to the sensor . The trig sends the rays when the rays hit the intruder and reflects back to the echo . Then echo send signals to arduino uno , uno sends commands to the buzzer and LED to alert . By this owner can gets alert


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

We choose this project to protect homes , shops , malls , bank properties from robberies. Recentiy a robbary happened at hyderabad colony, they lost their property and they felt sad about that . So, we have discussed about this problem that not only at homes,we are seeing in shops ,malls etc

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

our main task is to write the program ,giving conditions. We faced some problem in writing code , fixing the bugs and connections.

Next time, we would...

yes, we would do differentiy if we had more time we have to add cc camera to the door and create an application on face recognization or object dector, because when a dog or a paper comes near to it , it will give the buzzer . To avoid this we need to set an abject detector, camera .

About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Akshara
  • Shivan
  • Sharmila