Samridh Kamboj
The Project
SDG14, life under water. Water is necessary for our lives and so is for the aquatic life! But we're ruining it, ruining the ocean, and that's something we need to change in ourselves.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...SDG14 is something we need to give our attention too. Those aquatic animals like, whales, sharks small fishes and all are in danger just because of us! and we're the only one who can amend it! So I thought of spreading some awareness on it.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI am not so good in coding but I did give my best! it's my first time making a project on Scratch so it was kind of difficult for me to understand what blocks does what.
Next time, I would...Yes! I would try to make it look more attractive and colourful if I could!
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