Foot step power generator

The Project

In this project we are generating electrical power by simply walking on our feet. The design of the mechanical footstep power generator provides a way to utilize waste energy from the human foot. The energy which is lost as footsteps, vibrations and sound etc. will be tapped and converted into a usable form, in this case into electricity. In “Footstep power generation mechanism” the electrical energy will be produced by moving the human on a moving plates in which rack and pinion gear arrangement is being used to convert the physical energy into mechanical energy and further a dynamo is used to convert this energy into electrical energy


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

• The primary idea behind the making of footstep power generator to generate electricity from waste energy at free of cost. This project will be cost effective and easy to install in a populated area like railway station, Bus stand, schools, hospitals, shopping malls and on speed breakers to convert

What I found difficult and how I worked it out


Next time, I would...


About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Siddhi Jakhar