The Project
This page is based on college website. In other word this website is a huge collection of data related with each and every individual of management. A website is a collection of Web pages,images, videos and other digital assets that is hosted on one or several Web server,usually accessible via the Internet. The pages of websites can usually be accessed from a common root URL called the homepage, and usually reside on the same physical server. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although the hyperlinks between them control how the reader perceives the overall structure and how the traffic flows between the different parts of the sites. A website requires attractive design and proper arrangement of links and images, which enables a browser to easily interpret and access the properties of the site. Hence it provides the browser with adequate information and functionality about the organization, community, network etc A website is a collection of Web pages,images, videos and other digital assets that is hosted on one or several Web server,usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a LAN.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...The purpose of our project is to design ,publish and maintain a good college web site for our college which consist of all the information regarding the college like infrastructure,faculty,transport facilities...etc
What we found difficult and how we worked it outwhile I was making project ,i really confused in the process of organisation of my college data ,then I explored some another college website there I come to know the code and everything .I thought how my content in website will reach people in positive manner and thought in a creative way .
Next time, we would...YES ,actually I would like to do differently if I can some more time. But this is my first website and understood many things and now I can able to do more differently if I get one more chance.
About the team
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