Birthday animation

The Project

Craft a delightful birthday celebration with interactive Scratch coding, featuring animated balloons, cakes, and cheerful messages." Bring joy to the special day with colorful graphics and personalized touches, creating a memorable digital greeting.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I selected this project to combine my programming skills with the joy of celebrating birthdays. It's a creative way to craft personalized greetings and spread happiness using Scratch animation.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Aligning the animation timing with the birthday song proved challenging; I fine-tuned the code to synchronize movements with music cues. Designing visually appealing graphics that conveyed celebratory vibes required iteration and feedback; I experimented with colors, shapes, and animations

Next time, I would...

If given more time, I'd implement interactive elements like clickable balloons for added engagement. I'd also explore adding personalized features such as customizable messages or the ability to input the recipient's name for a more personalized experience

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Akshay