Chicken Feed
The Project
Chicken Feed is a game I have been working on for a while that can be single player or 2 player. The duck or chick has to reach the food bowl and stay with it for half a second while escaping the evil cat. When you reach a certain level of points depending on your character you have to eat either the strawberry or banana to level up until you win.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...We had a computing lesson that inspired me to create my own.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outConverting from one player to two player was extremely difficult as my computing teacher didn't understand the platform well enough to help me. I learnt that if I made 2 ducks it would run smoothly and I could covert between 1&2 player without problems.
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would add a play/pause button. I would also create a way to save the scores and add more characters.
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