Make a Duplicate copy

The Project

In Scratch block coding, duplicate a sprite using the "Clone" block to create identical copies. Utilize "When Clone is Created" to specify actions for each clone individually. Manipulate clones independently for dynamic interactions or create repeating patterns effortlessly.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

This project was chosen to teach the concept of cloning in Scratch, allowing for the creation of dynamic and interactive scenes. It provides hands-on experience with programming logic and encourages experimentation with sprite duplication for various creative purposes.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Understanding how to manage and control multiple clones independently was challenging initially. I solved it by organizing my code efficiently and using variables to track each clone's behavior. Experimenting with different approaches and seeking guidance from online resources helped clarify .

Next time, I would...

With more time, I'd explore creating more complex interactions between clones, such as creating games or simulations. Additionally, I might add features to customize clone behavior dynamically, like randomizing colors or movements.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Sakina