The Space Munchkin Maze
The Project
My coolest project was based off of the category 'fun' and my aim was to give the users of my game a very fun experience. At first, I wanted to remix the maze starter project, but I found it too simple for my taste so I deleted most of the code but I kept a little bit of it, and I changed the look of the sprites to fit my liking. I also took some inspiration from the code we used to make a boat project at the start of the year when we were just being introduced to scratch.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I wanted to give users of my project a fun and enjoyable game to play so that they would have a great experience since my overall category was 'fun'.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI faced several challenges along the way such as: - How my code was a bit too long, so I attempted to shorten it and make it simpler -How my game froze at one point and nothing was working, so I had to remake some of my code -And how, for some reason, my character wasn't moving in the way I wanted
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would have definitely attempted to add at least two more levels to my game, or I would have tried to add obstacles or 'space monsters' to make my game a bit more enjoyable and challenging for the users.
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