Moving and change costume game

The Project

In this Scratch project, I created a game where players control a character that moves and changes costumes. Users can navigate obstacles and collect items, offering an engaging and interactive experience


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose this project to explore basic game mechanics and character animation in Scratch. Developing a game with moving and costume-changing elements allowed me to practice essential coding skills while creating an entertaining experience.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Initially, coordinating character movement and costume changes smoothly posed a challenge. I experimented with timing and sequencing to synchronize actions effectively.

Next time, I would...

If given more time, I might add additional levels with increasing complexity to extend gameplay. Additionally, I could incorporate more diverse obstacles and power-ups to enhance the player's experience.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Divyanshi