See the judges’ favourites

Discover and interact with the projects that stood out to our judges among all the amazing projects young tech creators shared in the online showcase in 2021.

  • James Whelton’s favourite projects 2021

    James Whelton is a coder and entrepreneur. At 16, James gained worldwide recognition for discovering a hack for the iPod Nano. In response to the lack of opportunities to learn computing at school, he co-founded CoderDojo in 2011, a global community of code clubs for young people.

    James Whelton
  • Melissa Pickering’s favourite projects 2021

    Melissa Pickering is Head of Product at LEGO Education. She has worked in the field of interactive kids’ products for 15 years, from innovating theme parks as a Disney Imagineer to founding an edtech startup.

    Melissa Pickering
  • Fig O’Reilly’s favourite projects 2021

    Fig O'Reilly is an Irish-American model, beauty pageant titleholder, and engineer. Fig recently made history as the first woman of colour to represent Ireland at the international Miss Universe pageant. Since getting her degree in Systems Engineering from the George Washington University, Fig has gone on to become a NASA Datanaut.

    Fig O’Reilly
  • Colin Furze’s favourite projects 2021

    Colin Furze is a British YouTube personality, presenter, inventor, and five-time Guinness world record holder, from Lincolnshire, England. Colin's YouTube channel,, has over 10 million subscribers.

    Colin Furze