Snow roof clearance system with snow water harvesting
The Project
Our project is titled the "Sustainable Roof Snow Clearance System". It chooses regions which recieve snowfall as the target region.We chose snow clearance as our problem because it is a major threat to infrastructure in our locality during winter. Snowfall causes damage to roof tops causing leakages and breakages .Roofs are not able to bear the weight of snow and break down. This causes heavy damage and huge costs to repair. Many people have also died because of heavy snow falling from rooftops and hitting them from above. These accidents can cause lifelong damage. It is important to clear snow from the roofs because it continues getting accumilated and gets heavier wih time. It becomes difficult to clear the snow manually during winter. this problem effects all the sub-Himalayan regions such as Kashmir. The other problem this project tackles is th econtinously reducing level of the water table level. This problem is a threat to environement. The project solves both problems oin one go. This project uses the principle used by heating blankets that our used during winters. In this project we have used the element used in electric blankets in order to heat the roof of the house and turn the snow into water which is then guided to the ground water table. It consists of element connected to a heat controller and finally a plug. This makes the system compact and easy to use. We chose the system used in heating blankets because it uses meagre electricity as electriciy is also unavailable in winter season. This project utilizes waste electric blanket in order to make a roofheating system. The power consumed is very less and effordable and the cost is also economical. Anyone can intigrate the system into thier home. Our solution is unique because it uses waste material to tackle a huge problem and also doesnt use much electricity. It can help all sectors off the population without discrimnation. It can be easily used. It is sustainable and practical as well. This solution can be used in local houses, Buildings, Schools , shops etc to protect people and infrastructure. It particularly finds application in northern areas of the country, The project utilizes technology to tackle a local problem effectively. In conclusion the project helps in clearing snow from above the roof and also increases ground water level by guiding the melted snow to the water table.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose this project because it tacles a problem we face in our locality as well as world wide during snowfall. Tackling this problem easily cheaply and effectively can help us on keeping our homes safe
What we found difficult and how we worked it outFirst, we were facing problems in stick ing the element wire to the roof. They had to be properly pasted together so that the heat could be transferred from wire to roof. We used baking soda and glue to finally plaster them together.
Next time, we would...If we had more time we would make our project solar powered to make it more environment friendly.
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