The Project

Inspired by the pervasive waste management challenges confronting my hometown of Kochi, I embarked on a mission to address this pressing issue through innovative means. Witnessing the alarming proliferation of garbage-laden streets and the associated environmental and health hazards spurred me into action. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI technology, I sought to leverage its capabilities to revolutionize waste management practices. Utilizing the Teachable Machine model, I endeavored to develop an AI-enabled garbage segregator capable of autonomously identifying and sorting different types of waste. This endeavor was not merely about finding a solution to a local problem but about harnessing the power of technology to effect positive change on a broader scale. Through tireless experimentation and iteration, I aimed to create a system that could contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment while paving the way for more sustainable waste management practices. My commitment to this cause remains unwavering, driven by a profound sense of responsibility to my community and a fervent belief in the potential of technology to drive meaningful societal impact.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose this project to tackle pressing waste management issues in my city using AI and robotics, inspired by the desire to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Throughout the project development process, one of the main challenges I encountered was error correction, particularly during the deployment phase to Streamlit. Solution involved meticulous debugging, testing, code refinement, and seeking guidance from online resources and peers.

Next time, I would...

Given more time, there are several enhancements I would consider implementing. Firstly, I would prioritize integrating the AI model with a real robotic arm, as initially envisioned.This would enhance the practicality and functionality of the solution, enabling real world application in waste sorting

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Reva