NBA Salary Predictor

The Project

It is a website that uses a model trained on NBA players' stats and salaries from 2000-2024 to predict what their salary should have been that season based on production and overall value. It also has a variety of visualizations and displays to show the data it predicts.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I am a big fan of the NBA and play basketball so the idea of making something NBA related really interested me. I was also interested in doing something machine learning related with my project so I researched some things I could predict and I decided on salaries.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I found it difficult to train the model effectively and also scraping all the data was pretty difficult as I had to get data from multiple websites and merge them together. I watched tutorials and read up in order to solve these problems.

Next time, I would...

I would probably make the website more artistic in its font and backgrounds and everything. Right now it is pretty bland in the fonts and background. I also would probably fine tune the model to make it even more accurate on more features.

About the team

  • United States

Team members

  • Ryan