Indo Lingo - an Indian languages learning app

The Project

This is an app created in MIT app inventor for learning 2 Indian languages. We have used scratch programming for some parts of the app as well.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

In India, when we shift from one state to another we have to learn the language of the state. This becomes really difficult for school students to pick up the language as a subject. So tackle this problem we created this app.

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

Working on two platforms MIT app inventor and scratch was challenging. Also dividing the work between team members and consolidating was also a challenge. We did this be speaking with each other continuously while making the app

Next time, we would...

We will add more Indian languages and also some foreign languages like German, mandarin, Spanish etc.

About the team

  • India
  • CoderDojo

Team members

  • Ayush
  • Jashith