Blob 'n' Bomb

The Project

Blob 'n' Bomb is a 2 player platformer game. One player needs to try to complete each level by building platforms to traverse the landscape while the other player needs to try to prevent their escape by destroying their platforms.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

We made this for the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge - the theme is Construction and Destruction. We all enjoy making new games and experimenting with new mechanics, especially on Makecode Arcade.

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

Trying to make it easy and clear for both players to see what is happening and make it an engaging, fun experience at the same time. We are still working on perfecting this and exploring making this a web-based 2 player game with different POVs for each player.

Next time, we would...

We are working on adding more levels, challenges and rewards for our game. Some ideas include bonus platforms and bombs with cooldown timers (eg. indestructable platforms and bombs that destroy all platforms).

About the team

  • Australia
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Reed
  • Kaha
  • Mitchell
  • Oliver