The Project
A game about how our actions today will impact climate change and the course of humanity (and felinity). It aims to teach people about the effects of price changes on demand, incorporating cats in a fun way.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I watched a tv series called Extrapolations about the future impact of climate change and thought that the view of the world in the future was very intriguing. This inspired me to do research into how the future might look depending on today’s choices. Also, I incorporated cats for fun 🙂
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe research took a long time, in which I found the elasticity of different things (e.g. flight prices, petrol, etc), and found out how much demand varied based on prices for different goods. This journey of discovery was hard but very interesting.
Next time, I would...A lot of things. I would make the graphics better, as well as adding slides in between the questions. Also I would add an approval rating for each climate-based decision. While cutting greenhouse gases is a great thing, the impact on everyday life can be very hard: imagine if petrol prices doubled!
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