Bookworms Unite
The Project
My project "Bookworms Unite - Where reading is a superpower" is about inculcating healthy reading habits in individuals. It is primarily aimed at primary school going children who are encouraged to read daily. The App will keep a record for daily reading, log the time, add reviews and keep track of books read. The children will be encouraged to share their comments and collaborate with peers on recommended reading.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...At our school we have to maintain a physical reading log recording at least 20 minutes of reading per day. We also have to write a little synopsis in a crammed up space. I wanted to make a digital solution for our teacher to monitor everyones reading and encourage regular/ non regular readers.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outCoding it in python was very challenging as this is the first time I have coded in this language. I was able to solve some issues with the help of my mentors. Also it was very difficult to manage it alongside school as I could only work on weekends on this project.
Next time, I would...Yes, I would want to make it more interactive, improve the UI/UX, add more stuff to my library and include colourful images. I would also make the stop watch better to indicate time spent reading and log it. I would think of extending it to my school where individual logins will work for each user.
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