Positivity Gallery
The Project
This is a website where you can chose an image and it will pop up with a motivational message or proverb. Which could help people with mental health . Have a go here: https://proverb-gallery.zacmachacker.repl.co/
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...To help with people's mental health, to focus on beautiful and happy scenes and motional messages.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI didn't want the website to have the same images each time you used it. I struggled to work this out, and eventually research to find out that I could make a json file - which is a file that list different link/strings - with a link that searches the most relevant pictures which solved the problem.
Next time, I would...I would add more features for example adding a search function to the website to search for specific proverbs or motivational comments.
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