Gem Finder!
The Project
So, this is my game: Gem Finder! It goes under the category of entertainment. When you enter the Gem Finder! game screen, you are given three options of directions you can go. The first three you'll see are River, Muddy Swamp and Rocky Terrain. Each of these has a danger level written in red under the name. For example, River has a danger level of 70%. When you start the game, you have 5 health points (the second variable with the sleeping emoji) If your health points reach 0, you have to restart the game. Whenever you make a choice, depending on the danger level of the option, you will get something that depletes health/happiness or increases it (for example, you might find a gem, and that may use up 1-2 health points but will simultaneously increase happiness points). All the results for each option are randomly generated.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I was experimenting with random generators and how they worked and also trying to implement a bit of my art into a fun, interactive game.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outDuring the process of making the game, I found myself facing the prospect of creating tons and tons of code, which sort of shook me a bit. However, later on, while evaluating the design process, I found some code which seemed to be very similar, so I tried copying and pasting certain repeated code.
Next time, I would...I would probably just finish the game, and, using the gems you had earned, make a shop for new skins, worlds or just costumes for your character.
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