The Adventure of Grado
The Project
This project is about a person name Grado, trying to safe his family and friends from Kriby the trash littering monster. In order to safe them, he needs to go through the barriers. To remove the barriers, he needs to clean all the trash in the area.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...To be honest, Kayana and Marvel went in a fight between making a Platformer or a Nature game. So, we split in between and ended up with a Nature Friendly Platformer. We want to make a fun project while telling whats bad for the environment.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outOne of the hardest thing to do in this project is possibly the collaborating system in Scratch. Because, Scratch projects aren't suppose to be collaborative. So we use Google meet, one of us will work at the project while Screen Sharing, and one of us will guide the other person.
Next time, we would...Yes, if we had more time, we would add a Boss Fight against Kriby, a better graphic, a shop feature and a little more effects.
About the team
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