The Project
This is a project made to help people find their purpose in lives, and achieve that purpose. With the help of html and javascript, I have created a dynamic website which helps people with their aims by having everything in one place. The website asks for our deepest wishes, aims, and then optimizes itself to aid in our personal development. It has a calendar with the option of adding tasks on specific dates to track our progress, it has an inspiration page on which we can go to find inspiration when we want to feel motivated, it has a notes page to take notes of important things, and it has a "Why?" page, highlighting the important things in our lives, and why we are working hard, personalised for each person.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I myself was feeling lost and aimless, and often when I felt this way, I ended up mindlessly scrolling on Instagram or Youtube. I realised that people tend to waste their time when they do not have a set aim, so I created this app which will help them achieve their goals instead of wasting time.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found asking the questions which would help the user and the program to figure out and help the user most difficult. I worked it out by asking myself the right questions and integrated it into the program.
Next time, I would...I would add a "chat" page and integrate the ChatGPT API on that page. I would then input the user's answers to chatgpt, which would then give a personalised timetable, motivation and working plan for the user according to their inputs. Users could also chat, modify and figure out their plans.
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