Faye - Ellie's Adventure
The Project
This Project is about a girl named Ellie who went on an adventure to either Cold or Hot, High or Low Places. These places has their dangers. Will Ellie be able to make it back home?
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Because I want people to be brave in every challenge they faced in their life. I want them to have the spirit to not give up easily.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI have 2 big problems when making this game. The backdrop changes into the one that's not supposed to show. The girl's words also got mixed up. But I fixed it by changing the code a little.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I'd like to add a "section 3". If you see in the game, we have a choice of somewhere cold and somewhere hot in the "section 1". If I have more time, I'd like to add a choice of somewhere rocky and somewhere sandy.
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