The Art Post

The Project

This project (The Art Post) is an art gallery webpage which displays art pieces. It has a UI somewhat similar to Pinterest. In the future I will add features as being able to upload a person's art piece picture from their own computer any where in the world to be viewed on the Webpage. I plan to turn this project into a full fledged popular Website as I slowly upgrade it.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

Originally I made this website to showcase pieces of art made my by my school friend. Though later on I felt like expanding it's features. potential and scope which I am still working on.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

The most difficult part was to make the webpage responsive. Another point where I was stuck at is when I tried to randomize the order of the images appearing on the webpage each time it is reloaded. It took me a lot of time and research to do so because I am not very good with Javascript currently.

Next time, I would...

If I had more time I would have improved the UI of the webpage and would have made it similar to that of Pinterest. I would have added the feature for any user to upload the picture of their art pieces to the site.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Aditya