The Project

You need to click the color that pops up there will be 3 rounds if u win gr8 GOODLUCK!!


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

i made this project for my school showcase so i thought that this is my 1st project i made without seeing form any youtube video and i believe that ill get something if i have done this on my own at least participation certificate Thank u

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

nothing difficult only the alien that's why it is really you know bad looking and the color i have chosed

Next time, I would...

yes ill do right now i am working on project that mazes and there will be blocked pipes that are leaking and u cant pass till u solve the Math's problems or any questions that pops up this is my team members dream so i am helping them in that as a leader...

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Kiyansh