Html Websites
The Project
This project is a Html website about the famous K-pop star, Roseanne Park. I chose her as she inspires me the most. She is a really hardworking and kind singer and dancer. I want other people to get inspired by her just like I did.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose this project because I have lately been really been interested in websites. It helps me in exploring and learn new things that I have never had knowledge of. It interests me the best and I knew this was something I can give my best for.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThere were a few difficulties that I faced like some tags were having problem and because I have used them before I was able the resolve the issue myself but the most troublesome was when my img tag didn't work well. I was new to this tag and had no idea about how it worked. I took help from google
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would have tried to make a better websites and using a lot more complicated tags. I would have thought more thoroughly about what to make and took help from my parents and teacher. I would have worked way more harder and given my best.
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