A Story of A Cat (Animation and Game)
The Project
"A STORY OF A CAT is a short animation story and role-playing game. Players can assume the role of a male cat named Jesper. A cat that has been abandoned by its owner.- He was sad, hungry, lonely and friendless. One day, when he was looking for food, he met a brown cat and became friends. They have many exciting adventures ! They are real friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The story ends with a catching game to help Jesper find his food."
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I created this project because I like to make a short movie. Combining the story with a game is interesting. The story of Jesper and the game are quite simple and easy to play so hopefully every kids can enjoy it.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found some difficulties when making the project. Previously, I wanted to make the games in the middle of the storyline, but I found some errors. so i modified the game by moving it to the end.
Next time, I would...I would make some improvement in the animation and add more motions. I hope I can make a more complex and funnier animation story and games.
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