Beating Junk Food Monster
The Project
"The MC on this game is kiddo, he is a small boy, around 8 to 9 years old. Her mother is relentlessly ask him to eat fruit, but he keep saying no. He even got angry, runaway to his room without waiting her mother finish talking. He pissed of everytime his mother ask him to eat fruit and vegetables. But then, suddenly, he feels really hurt, his stomach hurt, and he is crying , calling his mom. Then he got fainted, and he suddenly transfer to another world. He met junkfood monster there. Junkfood monster say that it he is his best friend, since he really really like junkfood. As the best friends, junkfood monster wants kiddo to stay with him forever in the junkfood world. The only way to survive is to play the game, where kiddo is challenged to select 5 healthy food among the provided foods. After kiddo try several times, he finally able to come out from the junkfood world, he is awake, and suddenly he is already in the hospital with his mom. He feel sorry,and promise to eat more fruits and vegetables."
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...This project is actually based on true story, Ahsan is a lymphoma hodgkin cancer survivor. His doctor said that he got cancer due to eating too many junk food. The condition inspire us to create this game and to share a bit of information that eating too much junk food can make you sick, so switchi
What we found difficult and how we worked it outThis is our first project, so we have lot of time spend on exploring like how to switch between backdrop, how to generate score, etc. We used to googling it or searching some youtube tutorial, and we also ask our teacher.
Next time, we would...If we had more time we might add some sound effect or music on it, or another game like beating the evil junk food monster and so on.
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